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Worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download

McKin ley Denali The beauty and complexity of Earth's landscapesabove and below the oceansis revealed with the Global Satellite Mosaic. The cloud-free images show Earth in its natural colors as it would be seen from space. One can easily identify the world's major glaciers, deserts, mountain ranges, and rain forests.

For example, follow the green ribbon of lush vegetation along the Nile into the stark, dry Sahara. The mountain ranges seem to rise off the map thanks to digital elevation databases from the Department of Defense. The deepest areas of the ocean realm are colored dark blue in contrast to the light blue areas highlighting continental shelves, submarine ridges, and underwater mountains.

In the oceans, red, yellow, and green indicate waters rich in phytoplankton. On land, green areas show high-potential plant productivity; tan areas suffer from productivity limitations due to aridity and temperature. The very high elevations of the Himalaya and Tibet show up as a cold area blue, temperature image and as a plant-poor area tan, biosphere image.

Temperature, plant life, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download, and landscape are interrelated, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download.

The need to understand the forces shaping environmental change has led to a space race among various countries. In alone some 85 rockets launched more than satellitesmostly from China, Europe, Japan, Russia, and the United States. Some satellites provide vital communication links propelling economic development; other satellites supply data on patterns and trends associated with agricultural productivity, pollution monitoring, weather forecasting, and many other environmental concerns.

Reddish colors vividly show average high temperatures on the two largest continents, Africa and Asia, from the Sahara to Central Asia. Latitude, mountains, and oceans influence land temperatures. While mans impact is quite evident, and even striking, on many remotely sensed scenes, sometimes, as in the case with most political boundaries, it is invisible.

State, provincial, and national boundaries can follow natural features, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download, such as mountain ridges, rivers, or coastlines. Artificial constructs that possess no physical realityfor example, lines of latitude and longitudecan also determine political borders.

The world political map right represents mans imaginary lines as they slice and divide Earth. The National Geographic Society recognizes independent states in the world as represented here. Of those nations, are members of the United Nations. The Nortons soon expanded their program beyond the Institute, publishing worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download by celebrated academics worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download America and abroad.

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All rights reserved About the Cover Image: This sculpture of the Buddha developed in the Gandharan style during the first millennium comes from the region that today is known as Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Part of the Kushan empire, Gandhara maintained close contact with Rome and incorporated many Greco-Roman motifs into its Buddhist art. In this representation, although the iconography remains South Asian, Buddha appears as a youthful Apollo-like figure. ISBN: The World, c.

In this case, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download, however, some details should be disclosed because they illuminate the shape and substance of the narrative. The story begins nearly twenty years ago, when the Princeton University history department established its first course in world history. Called The World and the West, the course surveyed the major developments in the history of the modern world from to the present.

Although the importance of the course for students of an increasingly globalized era was immediately recognized, the course placed immense demands on teachers and students. The greatest challenge was how to treat the many regions of the world and the many centuries in an integrated way and in a single semester. The instructors searched in vain for a textbook that would provide both coverage and integrated analysis. Some of the books available at the time were written by a single author; these tended to have a clear narrative framework but to suffer from the limitations that a single individual, no matter how well read, necessarily encountered when dealing with the immensity of world history.

Others were written by a team of regional experts and had authoritative treatments of regions but lacked integration and balance. With the full support of Princeton University, a small group of modern historians in the Princeton history department decided to try our hand at world history, agreeing to meet on a regular basis to plan a text that addressed the weaknesses in the other books. Each of us had a regional specialization as well as an interest in how our regions fitted into larger cross-regional relationships.

For an entire year we met to discuss the ways worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download which we would craft a modern world history and the global themes we wanted to stress. After intensive and sometimes contentious discussions, we decided on an overarching framework, the chapter divisions, and the global themes and regional variations.

During these meetings, we also settled on the all-important idea of building each chapter around a turning point or central story in world history, such as the spread of the Black Death or the rise of the nation-state, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download, that would enable us to integrate all the regions of the world into most chapters.

Then we began to write. We wrote a lotand a lot of what we wrote ended up in recycling bins. We all wrote sections in each of the chapters, shared them with one another, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download then gave one of our group the assignment of integrating each chapter. All this. Different individuals coordinated the chapters, after which the drafts circulated to everyone once again for additional thoughts and revisions. The general editor then wrote the final draft to ensure that a strong, single voice would emerge and that the level of presentation would be consistent throughout.

No section, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download, no matter how seemingly specialized, was the product of just one author. We were pleased to discover, very soon after publication, that teachers and students liked WTWA. The original text now Volume Two was adopted widely in its first year of publication and has gone on to be used at over colleges and universities worldwide and has sold over 40, copies.

In we set out to do just that, with Robert Tignor and Jeremy Adelman from the modern volume joining forces with a distinguished group of historians of the earlier periods. In crafting the stories and chapters that would cover the earlier periods of world history, we have used the worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download highly collaborative writing model that proved so successful with the original volume, and we have built the chapters covering the earlier periods around turning points and central stories in world history, such as the formation of the Silk Road and the rise of universal religions, just as we did the chapters in the original volume.

While we were hard at work writing the chapters covering the earlier periods, the authors of the modern chapters set about revising them so that all the chapters would fit seamlessly together. Over the ten-year period of work on this book, world history has gained even more prominence worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download college classrooms and historical studies.

Courses in the history of the world now abound, often replacing the standard surveys of European history and western civilization overviews. Graduate history students receive training in world history, and journals routinely publish studies in this field. A new generation of textbooks is needed to help students and instructors make sense of this vast, complex, and rapidly evolving field.

WTWA hopes to be the first to plot this new course and to inspire its readers to continue their studies in this increasingly critical field. Five principles inform this book, guiding its framework and the organization of its individual chapters.

The first is that world history is global history. There are many fine histories. But unlike the authors of many other so-called world histories, we have chosen not to deal with the great regions and cultures of the world as separate units, reserving individual chapters to East Asia, South Asia, Southwest Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Our goal is to place each of these regions in its largest geographical context. It would be misleading to say that the context is the world, because none of these regions, even the most highly developed commercially, enjoyed commercial or cultural contact with peoples all over the globe before Columbuss voyage to the Americas and the sixteenth century. But the peoples living in the Afro-Eurasian landmass, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download, probably the single most important building block for our study, were deeply influenced by one another, as were the more scattered peoples living in the Americas and in Africa below the Sahara, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download.

Products, ideas, and persons traveled widely across the large land units of Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. Indeed, worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download, Afro-Eurasia was not divided or thought of as divided into separate landmasses until recent times.

It is in this sense that our world history is global. The second principle informing this work is the importance of chronology in framing world history. Rather than telling the story of world history by analyzing separate geographical areas, we have elected to frame the chapters around significant historical turning points or periods that transcended regional and cultural boundariesmoments or periods of meaningful changes in the way that human beings organized their lives.

Some of these changes were dramatic and affected many people. Environments changed; the earth became drier and warmer; humans learned to domesticate plants and animals; technological innovations in warfare, political organization, and commercial activities occurred; and the appeal of new religious and cultural beliefs spread far and wide. These changes swept across large landmasses, paying scant heed to preexisting cultural and geographical unity.

They affected peoples living in widely dispersed societies. In other cases, changes occurred in only one locality while other places retained their traditions or took alternative routes. Chronology helps us understand the ways in which the world has, and has not, shared a common history.

Chapter headings give a clue to the turning points or periods that paid no heed to geography and culture. At the outset of human existence, after Homo sapiens populated the world and became truly human Chapter 1men and women established the first cities and hierarchical polities and societies in the riverine basins of worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download Near East and northwest India BCE; Chapter 2.

Several millennia later, nomadic invaders provided a stimulus to re-create powerful territorial polities, employing horse-drawn chariots to undermine the old polities and to fashion new ones BCE; Chapter 3. During the next millennium, powerful Asian monarchs established the first largescale kingdoms that even aspired to world domination BCE CE; Chapters 4 through 6.

In more modern. The discovery of large silver mines in Spanish America in the sixteenth century provided a precious metal that brought the economies of the world into closer contact Chapter In the nineteenth century, ideas of freedom swept across the world, propelled by the American and French revolutions, only to be superseded by European imperial ambitions Chapters 16 through Two world wars linked the entire international community on battlefields and in great loss of life Chapters 19 and The third principle is historical and geographical balance.

Ours is not a history focused on the rise of the West. We seek to pay attention to the global histories of all peoples and not to privilege those developments that led directly into European history as if the rest of the history of the world was but a prelude to the rise of western civilization. We deal with peoples living outside Europe on their own terms and try to see world history from their perspective. Even more significantly, while we describe societies that obviously influenced Europes historical development, we do so in a context very different from that which western historians have stressed.

Rather than simply viewing these cultures in terms of their role in western development, we seek to understand them in their own terms and to illuminate the ways they influenced other parts of the world. From our perspective, it is historically inaccurate to annex Mesopotamia and Egypt to western civilization, because these territories lay well outside Europe and had a large influence on Africa, South Asia, and East Asia as well as worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download Europe.

Indeed, our presentation of Europe in the period leading up to and including the founding of the Roman Empire is different from many of the standard treatments. The Europeans we describe are rather rough, wild-living, warring peoples living on the fringes of the settled parts of the world and looked down on by more politically stable communities.

They hardly seem to be made of the stuff that will catapult Europeans to world leadership a millennium laterindeed, they were very different people from those who, as the result of myriad intervening and contingent events, founded the nineteenth- and twentieth-century empires whose ruins are still all around us.

Our fourth principle is an emphasis on connections and what we call disconnections across societal and cultural boundaries. World history is not the history of separate regions of the world at different periods of time. It is the history of the connections among peoples living often at great distances from one another, and it is also the history of the resistances of peoples living within and outside societies to connections that threatened to put them in subordinate positions or to rob them of their independence.

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Together, Worlds Apart

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Worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download

worlds together worlds apart volume 1 pdf download

worlds together worlds apart Download worlds together worlds apart or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get worlds together worlds apart book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. The most global approach to world history, now more streamlined and accessible. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart is organized around major world history stories and themes: the emergence of cities, the building of the Silk Road, the spread of major religions, the spread of the Black Death, the Age of Exploration, alternatives to 19th-century capitalism, the rise of modern nation-states and /5(54). A truly global approach to world history built around significant world history stories. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart is organized around major world history stories and themes: the emergence of cities, the building of the Silk Road, the spread of major religions, the spread of the Black Death, the Age of Exploration, alternatives to nineteenth-century capitalism, the rise of modern nation Cited by: 3.

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